Dear Cottontails dancers,
We are about to kick off the spring semester with courses starting this week! Here is a little reminder of what courses we will offer and when they start:
BALBOA START — Wednesday 30.1.2019 at 19:00
Balboa 1 (newbeginner) — Asylbarnehagen
LINDY HOP START — Thursday 31.1.2019 at 18:30
Lindy 1 (continuous from autumn) — Asylbarnehagen
Lindy 2 — Danckert Krohn
SOCIALDANCE is the same day after courses at Asylbarnehagen 20:00.
(Lindy 1 dancers can just stay where you are and the rest will drop in!)
Social dance is for everyone, so balboa dancers please come as well!
To follow updates about upcoming classes, go to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/221341667925756/
A warm welcome to all new and old members. See you on the dancefloor!