Spring 2025 events & courses

Join Cottontails’ Spring 2025 Activities!

Annual Meeting

Everyone is welcome to the Annual meeting 2025 of the Cottontails dance club. Come to hear about the past year results and our plans for the year 2025. We will have snacks and social dance after the meeting.

✨Swing Weekend at Ulriken bydelssenter
📅 February 1–2 | Classes:
🔸Lindy Hop Beginners 12:15-14:15 – 500 kr.
🔸Solo jazz (Open level) 15:00-16:30 – 400 kr.
🔸Lindy Hop Intermediate 17:30-19:30 – 500 kr.
(for Cottontails members per January 30 – membership is deducted from the course fee 🥳)
🔹Social dance Saturday February 1 20:00-23:00 – free admission for Swing weekend participants. Regular fee – 100 kr. Cottontails member – 50 kr.

Courses at Danckert Krohns Center – Thursdays
🔸Lindy Hop Beginners Express: Starts Februar 6 18:00–19:00 (4 weeks, 500 kr)
🔸Solo Jazz Open Level: Starts February 6 19:00–20:00 (4 weeks, 500 kr)
🔸Lindy Hop Intermediate: Tentative start in March (waiting list)
🔶Solo Jazz ABC: Starts March 6 19:00–20:00 (8 weeks, 900 kr). Discounted fee for Cottontails members.

Additional Info
▪️No partner is needed; prior dance experience is helpful but not required.
▪️We use Spond to manage courses and share course materials. You will get a link to join the group.
▪️Course fees include Spring membership.
▪️Drop-in: 150 kr/class. Membership only: 150 kr/semester. Membership for students: 100 kr.
▪️Course fee is to be paid latest by the second class of the event/course. Please have a screenshot/proof of payment ready for control.
▪️Course/event fee is nonrefundable. In case of serious health issues, contact the board to find a solution.
▪️A course can be cancelled if there are not sufficient participants. In this case, the course fee will be refunded.

💸Payment Options
Bank transfer: 1503.10.35667
Vipps: 94745 (Cottontails Danseklubb)
Cash/card at the first class (notify in advance).

📌 About Us
Cottontails (est. 2009) specializes in swing-era dance styles: Lindy Hop, Balboa, Solo Jazz, Charleston, Blues, and Shag. We focus on fostering a friendly, inclusive atmosphere for social dancing.

📘 Facebook
📷 Instagram

Step on the dance floor and swing in joy with us!

Swinging in the Rain’24

Come and enjoy the Autumn swing dance festival in Bergen!

Welcome to our workshops with guest instructors Elena and Jhonne from “Crazy Legs ” in Oslo and a special guest, Roza, from Odesa Wings, Ukraine. These amiable and cheerful dancers bring swing vibes and plenty of fancy moves for pleasant social dancing. Sign up now and join the joy!

Our focus is Lindy Hop for social dance and these workshops are aimed at Lindy Hoppers, Boogie Woogie and Swing dancers. Our main emphasis is social dance in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

Register now!

Our instructors

𝗘𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗮 𝗩𝗼𝗹𝗸𝗼𝘃𝗮 – an IT specialist at the daytime

Photographer Olena Disiuk, Oslo

“In October 2014, I joined my first swing class and have been dancing ever since lindy hop, boogie woogie, collegiate shag, blues, and solo jazz. I’ve been to Herrang Dance Camp, The Snowball, Swing Paradise, Jazz Roots, Dragon Swing, and many smaller festivals. I started teaching in 2017: first in Bårdar Swing Club, then recently in Crazy Legs. But this is my first time teaching outside of Oslo, and I’m super excited!

My favourite thing about lindy hop is connecting to jazz and blues music: I try to follow the music as much as my partner. My modern-day inspirations are the lindy hoppers who take the time to be silly, like Nils and Bianca or Felix and Pamela. Mabel Lee is my favourite old-time jazz dancer because you can’t get enough of those twists. I also love to nerd out about the history of swing in Europe, so feel free to grab me for a chat about that!

𝗝𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 – a health-care worker in the day-time

“I first started dancing at around 2010. At that time, I was experimenting with boogie-woogie, Rock Step Swing and some Salsa. It was in 2011 that my Lindy Hop adventure started, and I’m still enjoying it to this day. I’ve been to Herräng, Lindy Shock, Snowball Helswingi, Winter Jump, Swinging Spring and many other small workshops/ exchanges around Europe. I’ve also participated in group shows and taught as a Lindy Hop Instructor during my Master’s degree in Trondheim from 2012-2015. At present, I’m teaching Lindy 2 at Crazy Legs with Elena.

When I dance, I like to focus on playfulness, musicality, and flow. There’s just something unique and fun when you and your partner find this middle ground of being our little silly selves while still dancing together. I like to express myself in dancing through rhythm, footwork, and body language.

Roza is a professional ballroom, swing, and show dancer, a champion choreographer and a judge. She’s is a powerhouse of dance!

Learn more about the Odessa Swing Week just before the Swinging in the Rain Festival!

Welcome to Odessa Swing Week

We are excited to announce a week of Lindy Hop with guest instructors from Odessa! Just before the Swinging In the Rain (SWIR) festival, we invited our Ukrainian friends Roza and Zhenya, professional dance instructors from our sister club, WingS Dance Studio.

Meet our instructors

Roza (b. 1992)

Roza is a powerhouse of dance! She’s a professional ballroom, swing, and show dancer and a champion choreographer and judge. As a multiple-time Ukrainian ballroom champion, Roza’s unique style blends precision with creativity. She has choreographed and directed countless national shows and events and brings her expertise in Lindy Hop and solo jazz to international stages. Roza’s classes focus on Lady style, partner connection, rhythm, and musicality, offering students and local teachers valuable insights. Having taught in Bergen at Summer Lindy Camp and festivals, Roza always delivers dynamic, fun, and enriching classes. Don’t miss this chance to learn from one of the best!

Eugene (b. 1980)

Eugene is a legend in the ballroom and swing dance world. A champion dancer, experienced coach, and judge, he has a career filled with titles—multiple Ukrainian champion, European champion, and organizer of numerous dance festivals. Eugene has been a driving force behind the swing dance scene in Odesa, developing one of the largest swing dance organizations in Southern Ukraine. With his background in choreography, event organization, and even DJ-ing, Eugene’s classes are packed with knowledge and fun. He knows how to create an engaging atmosphere while helping dancers of all levels grow in their craft. Join Eugene for a week of exciting dance and top-notch instruction!

New Courses 2024 Spring

Come and learn the happiest Swing dances with us! 🕺💃 We start Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz dance courses. Cottontails is a dance club focused on the Swing era: Lindy Hop, Balboa, Solo Jazz, Charleston, Blues and Shag. Our main emphasis is social dance in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

 👉 Couple Courses (You don’t need to register with a partner, we will do our best to balance the count of leaders and followers and we rotate partners at our classes):
1️⃣ Lindy Hop Beginner: We will learn the basics of Lindy Hop dance.  9 weeks, every Thursday*, 18.15 – 19:15starting fromFebruary, 1st @Danckert Krohn Center
2️⃣Lindy Hop Begintermediate: You have taken at least one semester Lindy Hop with us or another school and know the basics. At the Begintermediate course you will enlarge your dance repertoire and some essential techniques and will learn fancy moves for social dancing.6 weeks, twice a month on Thursdays* (TBA)19.30 – 20:15, starting fromFebruary, 1st @Danckert Krohn Center3️⃣ Lindy Hop Intermediate / Shag – Stand-alone workshops with Oguz & Raluca: workshops for experienced dancers who did several semesters with us or have a solid background in swing dance from before. Here we focus on  special techniques, advanced moves and choreographies. Will be given as 2 hours’ workshops, approx 4 workshops during the Spring term. Details and dates will be announced separately.
 👉 Solo Courses (No partner needed, you are all by yourself here!):1️⃣Solo Jazz/Solo Charleston (Beginner): Basics of classic Charleston dance and vernacular jazz. We will learn and practice at least 2 dance routines.  10 weeks, Tuesdays* between18:15 – 19:00starting fromFebruary, 6th@Ulriken Bydelssenter 
2️⃣Solo Jazz/Solo Charleston(Intermediate):  If you took any solo jazz course before or  have some experience in solo jazz or if you are an experienced swing dancer. We will learn at least 2 dance routines. 10 weeks on Tuesdays* between 19:15 – 20:00 starting from February, 6th@Ulriken Bydelssenter *Breaks on winter vacations and public holidays.
👉 Course fee:
Lindy Hop Beginners course (per person) – 1000 KrLindy Hop Begintermediate course (per person) – 600 kr
⚠️ If you register for a Solo jazz course in addition to a Lindy Hop course, you will get the second course at 50% discount.⚠️ 20% discount for students or for those who register as a couple for couple courses (20% is the maximum discount)⚠️ Course registration includes the semester membership fee which gives you benefits of the membership advantages freely: discounts for the live music parties (Klub Kavaler), workshops, events.👉 Membership fee is normally 100 kr per person.⚠️ Course fee is non-refundable unless the course is cancelled by the organizers.
📌 Drop-in fee: 150 kr per lesson / 100 kr for students.
📌 Stand-alone workshop fee – 200 kr / 150 kr for students.

New Courses 2023 Fall

We are starting Lindy Hop and Solo Jazz dance courses for this semester. Learn the most happiest Swing dances with us! 

  1. Lindy Hop (Beginner): We will learn the basics of Lindy Hop dance. https://youtu.be/dFtX8RlGRrw 8 weeks, every Thursday between 18.20 and 19:20 starting from August, 24th @Danckert Krohn Center
  2. Lindy Hop (Couple Charleston): Basics of Couple Charleston dance for faster swing songs. https://youtu.be/CmY_QNOFvRY 8 weeks, every Thursday between 19.30 and 20:30 starting from August, 24th @Danckert Krohn Center
  3. Solo Jazz/Solo Charleston (Beginner): Basics of classic Charleston dance and vernacular jazz. We will learn and practice at least 2 dance routines. https://youtu.be/3RVwZl_WU6A 10 weeks, every Tuesday between 18:15 and 19:15 starting from August, 22th @Ulriken Bydelssenter
  4. Solo Jazz/Solo Charleston (Intermediate): If you took any solo jazz course before or have some experience in solo jazz or if you are an experienced swing dancer. We will learn at least 2 dance routines. 10 weeks, every Tuesday between 19:30 and 20:30 starting from August, 22th @Ulriken BydelssenterDetails are in the registration form: 

https://forms.gle/WqgpGiDDFU5mft3y7Come and enjoy these beautiful music and dances with us. 

New Classes in 2023 Spring

Come and learn the most happiest Swing dances with us! 🕺💃 We are starting Lindy Hop, Balboa and Solo Jazz/Charleston/Blues dance courses for both complete beginners and upper levels.  

👉 Couple Courses (You don’t need to register with a partner, we will balance the number of leaders and followers):
1️⃣Balboa 1(Beginner):  8 weeks of new beginner course to learn the basics of balboa dance . Balboa is the most elegant style of swing dance family – as elegant as tango and as upbeat as Lindy Hop. If you want to enjoy any fast swing music without too much effort, this dance is just for you. Every Wednesday between 18.30 and 19.45, starting from January, 25th @Gnisten Laksevåg . (After each Balboa class, you will also have additional 1 hour of practice/social time specific for Balboa dance. Right after we finish 8 weeks of classes, we are planning a continuation course)
2️⃣Lindy Hop 1(Beginner): 10 weeks of new beginner course for you who want to learn the basics of Lindy Hop dance. First 6 weeks will be about learning the fundamentals, and during the last 4 weeks we will be working on a choreography which will enable you to use all the moves you learned and also adding new ones!  Every Thursday between 19.30 and 20:30 starting fromFebruary, 9th@Danckert Krohn Center
3️⃣Lindy Hop 2 (Intermediate): 10 weeks of continuation course from the last semester. If you have some  experience , know the basics and can do swing out, it is also for you. First 6 weeks we will be adding new moves to our vocabulary, and during the last 4 weeks we will be working on a choreography which will enable you to use all the moves you learned while adding new ones! Every Thursday between 18.15 and 19:15 starting fromFebruary, 9th@Danckert Krohn Center

 👉 Solo Courses (No partner needed, you are all by yourself here!):1️⃣Solo Jazz/Charleston (Open level):  10 weeks of Solo Jazz for you who want to learn thoroughly the basics of classic Charleston dance and vernacular jazz and may be have had some previous experience with us or another dance club. We will learn and practice at least 2 dance routines that we eventually plan to perform at different social events: “Yes, Sir, thats my baby”, “Pennies from heaven” 🌦️☂️🎶 (+ Jitterbug Stroll). Every Tuesday between18:15 and 19:15 starting fromJanuary, 24th@Ulriken Bydelssenter 

2️⃣ Solo Blues course (Open level): 8 weeks of blues course. We learn at least 2 dance routines that we later plan to perform at different social arrangements: “Let’s do it” (3-4 weeks), “Three little  monkeys” (4-5 weeks).  Every Tuesday between 19:30 and 20:30 starting from January, 24th @Ulriken Bydelssenter

💥 First week classes are free: Come and try these beautiful dances yourself.
👉 Semester fee:
1 course (one dance style, per person): 900 Kr
2 courses (two dance styles, per person): 1100 Kr
3 courses (three dance styles, per person): 1300 Kr

⚠️ We offer a 20% discount per person, for students or for those who register as a couple for couple courses. (Maximum total discount is 20%).⚠️ Course registration includes the semester membership fee which lets you benefit from the membership advantages freely; discounts for the live music parties (Klub Kavaler), workshops, events. (👉Membership fee is normally 100 kr per person📌 Drop in fee: 150 kr per lesson)

💰🗓️ For couple dance courses, to make sure that we have enough applicants with the balance of the leaders and followers, we first collect the applications with this form. After we have enough applications for the  related course, we will confirm your registration. For solo dance courses, we don’t send confirmations. If you don’t hear from us, you are definitely enrolled and we look forward to seeing you in the studio. 
Course fees can be paid; 
-by a direct bank transfer to the account 1503.10.35667
-by Vipps: 94745, Cottontails Danseklubb-by cash or card  in the first week of each course  (please let us know with an email) All payments need to be completed before the 2nd week of each course. Please, have a PrtScr of payment available for control at the 2nd week of each course. 

💥Every Thursday , we generally have practice/social time between 20.30 till 22.00, you can practice what you learned and meet other dancers. We are also planning additional workshops for Blues, Shag and Lindy Hop!

*Cottontails is a dance club dedicated to the dances of the Swing era: Lindy Hop, Balboa, Solo Jazz, Charleston, Blues and Shag.

The Cottontails

Shag Dance Workshop

Let’s learn the Shag dance together!Yeah, you heard this correctly! We are organizing an awesome week with teachers from Barcelona again! 5 hours of memorable shag classes, where you will be able to sweat, lose weight and have tons of fun! 

This workshop is planned for the second week of September and will be an open level with super fun moves, so you are welcome to join and test!The days we propose are the following:● Thursday, 8th of September, from 18:30 till 20.00, @Danckert Krohn senior center● Friday, 9th of September, from 19:00 till 20.30, @ Ny-Kronenborg center (Danmarksplass)● Saturday, 10th of September, from 15:00 till 17.00, @ Ny-Kronenborg center (Danmarksplass)● Sunday, 11th of September – open floor and self practice / drills with feedback from the instructor, @ Ulriken bydelssenter (Landås)After these 5 hours and self practice, you will be very well familiarized with the basic notions of shag, a wide range of cool moves and you will be able to actually dance at fast swing music in a social environment! We will also teach you how to “glue” the steps together, no worries, the vocabulary does not come alone! 

Through this workshop, our goal is to help you master super quick dances as well and enjoy fast songs. So, you will not hide under an umbrella anymore when you hear a fast song, but you will surely wanna dance them all! Besides this, you will laugh and you will have lots of fun!Please let us know if this is an interesting opportunity for you and we will be happy to launch it!

 Workshop fees:

 All around pass: 600 Kr

 For Cottontails members: 500 Kr

 Drop in: 200 Kr/class
Sunday practice – free of charge 

Use the follwing link to register and we will contact you.https://forms.gle/VZMjGSbGEq4zcPtn8Check this awesome dance out:

New Classes for 2022 Fall

We are starting Lindy Hop, Balboa and Solo jazz/Charleston dance courses for beginners and higher levels.

Come and learn the most happiest Swing dances with us! 🕺💃 We are starting Lindy Hop, Balboa and Solo jazz/Charleston dance courses for both complete beginners and upper levels.
💥 Free Lindy Hop Taster class: Come and try this beautiful dance yourself. Date/Time:  Thursday, September 8th, 17:30 Location: Danckert Krohn Center

 👉 Course Information:

1️⃣ Lindy Hop (Beginner): 10 weeks of new beginner course for you who wants to learn the basics of Lindy Hop.  Every Thursday between 19.30 and 20:30starting fromSeptember, 15th@Danckert Krohn Center
2️⃣Lindy Hop (Intermediate): 10 weeks of continuation course from the last semester. First 5 weeks will be about learning new moves, and during the last 5 weeks we will be working on a choreography which will enable you to use all the moves you learned and also adding new ones! Every Thursday between 18.15 and 19:15starting fromSeptember, 15th@Danckert Krohn Center
3️⃣Balboa (Beginner):  8 weeks of new beginner course for you who wants to learn the basics of balboa dance. Every Wednesday between 18.30 and 19.30, starting from September, 21th @Gnisten Laksevåg 
4️⃣Balboa (Intermediate)
:  8 weeks  of continuation course from the last semester. This is also suitable if you have some experience with Balboa basics; up hold, down hold, come around, out and ins.. This class will be adapted to the level of participants and follower/leader balance.  Every Wednesday between 20.00 and 21.00, starting from September, 21th @Gnisten Laksevåg 
5️⃣ Solo Jazz/Charleston (Open level):  10 weeks of Solo Jazz for you who wants to learn the basics of classic Charleston dance and vernacular jazz and may be have had some previous experience with us or another dance club. We will learn and practice some easy routines that we eventually plan to perform at different social events. No partner needed, you are all by yourself here! Every Tuesday between 19.00 and 20:00starting fromSeptember, 13th@Ulriken Bydelssenter 
👉 Semester fee:
1 course (one dance style, per person): 800 Kr
2 courses (two dance styles, per person): 1000 Kr
3 courses (three dance styles, per person): 1100 Kr

📌 Drop in fee: 150 kr per lesson

⚠️ We offer a 20% discount per person, for students or for those who register as a couple. (Maximum total discount is 20%).
💰🗓️ To make sure that we have enough applicants with the balance of the leaders and followers, we first collect the applications with this form. After we have enough applications for the course, we will send you an email with the payment information. After the completion of the payment, we will confirm your registration.

See the application form:

💥Every Thursday , there will be practice/social time for both Lindy Hop and Balboa between 20.30 till 22.00, you can practice what you learned and meet other dancers. We are also planning additional workshops for Blues, Shag and Lindy Hop!

*Cottontails is a dance club dedicated to the dances of the Swing era: Lindy Hop, Balboa, Solo Jazz, Charleston, Blues and Shag.

New Classes for 2022 Spring

Come and learn the most happiest Swing dances with us! 🕺💃 We are starting Lindy Hop, Balboa and Solo jazz/Charleston dance courses for both complete beginners and upper levels.

👉 Courses:

1️⃣ Lindy Hop Beginner (Level 1): 10 weeks of new beginner course for you who want to learn the basics of Lindy Hop. First day is March, 31th then every Thursday 18.30 till 19.30 (except public holidays) @Danckert Krohn Center (Downstairs)

2️⃣Lindy Hop Level 2: 10 weeks of continuation course from last semester (FALL21). Also suitable if you know the basics and can do a little swing out. First day is March,31th then every Thursday 19.30 till 20.30 (Except public holidays) @Danckert Krohn Center (Downstairs)

3️⃣Balboa Beginner (Level 1): 8 weeks of new beginner course for you who want to learn the basics of balboa dance. First day is April, 5th then every Tuesday 18.00 till 19.00 (Except public holidays) @Ulriken Bydelssenter (UIDisco)

4️⃣Balboa Concept (Level 2): 8 weeks of Balboa course for you who have some experience with Balboa dancing, can follow the rhythm and wants to improve. This class will be adapted to the level of participants and follower/leader balance. First day is April, 5th then every Tuesday 19.00 till 20.00 (Except public holidays) @Ulriken Bydelssenter (UIDisco)

5️⃣ Solo Jazz/Charleston (Level 1): 8-10 weeks of Solo Jazz for you who want to learn the basics of classic Charleston dance and vernacular jazz and may be have had some previous experience with us or another dance club. We will learn and practice some easy routines that we eventually plan to perform at different social events. No partner needed, you are all by yourself here! First day is March, 31th 18.00 @Danckert Krohns, then every Thursday 18.00 @Danckert Krohns and Tuesday 20.00 @Ulriken Bydelssenter (UIDisco) (Except public holidays).

Application form: https://forms.gle/F7tHcvwEJLZe7bZE6

👉 Semester fee:
1 course (one dance style, per person): 500 Kr
2 courses (two dance styles, per person): 700 Kr
3 courses (three dance styles, per person): 800 Kr

📌 Drop in fee: 150 kr per lesson

⚠️ We offer a 15% discount for students or for those who register as a couple. (Maximum total discount is 15%).

💰🗓️The course fee is to be paid by a direct bank transfer to the account 1503.10.35667, at the first week of the course start.

💥Every Thursday , there will be practice/social time for both Lindy Hop and Balboa between 20.30 till 22.00, you can practice what you learned and meet other dancers.